List of all vendors and caterers must be received to Landlord 30 days prior to the Event. Landlord has right to disapprove any vendors and caterers without reason.
Glass containers are prohibited and beverages must be served in plastic/paper containers or cans
All liquid waste (Oils and Water) must be disposed of off site
Any Vendor or Caterers leaving grease or any significant trash will be assessed a $250.00 clean up fee plus whatever it costs to clean up the mess.
Tenant, caterers or vendors must provide trash cans on site for trash disposal
Generator must be silent generators and should be place out of the way and all extension cord must be approved for outdoor use and secured to avoid trip hazards
Vendors and Caterers assumed the entire responsibility and liability for losses damages and claims arising out of injury or damages to vendor’s display, equipment, and other property brought upon the Property.
Food vendor and caterers must provide Landlord with Certificate of insured in amount of $1,000,000 and list the Landlord as additional insured as specified in paragraph 4 of the lease
Vendor and Caterers are responsible for collecting and paying all sales and meals taxes on goods sold
Health Permits (applicable to Food Vendors only) Vendor participation is contingent upon approval of the vendor’s operation by the City of Richmond Health Department
Each cooking site must have an UL listed fire extinguisher. Open fire must be done in accordance with guideline set down with City of Richmond Bureau of Fire
Vendors are not permitted to pack up and leave early. They must stay until the event is over.
Vendors cannot park on the grass. They may stay on the access path to unload but must bring all vehicles back up once they are done.