Mayo Island is the coolest venue in town for your next event. If you are interested in renting Mayo Island please feel free to contact us.  

We only rent to one event a day. 

Our rental rate is determined by the type of event and the number of days the event takes place. Contact us for our current rental rates. 

To reserve our venue for your event you will need to fill out our application and get it approved 120 days prior to your event. Once your application is approved we will move forward with a contract. Then we will need a deposit to secure your event date. You must have your event paid in full 30 days prior to the event date. 

​We must have rent paid in full, insurance in place and ABC license to gain access to Mayo Island for your event. 

Rental Information 

Mayo Island Rules and Regulations 


General Rules and Regulations

Noise Curfew:

  • No projected Noise after 10 PM.
  • Capacity is 7,000 guests
  • Property is located in a flood zone and between the City of Richmond’s flood walls.  If the Property is flooded or flood walls are closed then the Event will be cancel. 
  • ​Landlord reserve the right to photograph all events and may use the photographs in marketing materials and on our social media sites, with no fee incurred by Tenant or its agents, vendors, and etc.…  Landlord will also be allowed to advertise the Tenant events in their marketing materials and social media sites.


  • A uniformed off duty police officers are mandatory at property gates and exits
  • At least one off-duty Officer is required during the Event.  Additional off duty Officer will be required when and if Alcohol is being sold or served. 
  • All security must be present at least 1 hour before event begins and everyone is off the island.
  • Landlord 30 days prior of the Event will approve security plan, but before any plan will be approved by Landlord it must have Richmond Police Department approval.


  • Silent Generator is needed for all power needs
  • One (1) Portable Toilet per 200 guest

Alcohol Beverage Control:

  • ABC License 30 days in advance
  • All alcohol beverages must be served in plastic or paper container
  • The Tenant, Employees, or volunteers must operate sales stands.
  •  A uniformed off duty police officers are mandatory at sale stations
  • Beer and wine sales will be closed if ABC regulations are violated.
  • Alcohol services should make a last call 1 hour prior to the end of the event. They should stop serving 30 minutes before the end of the event.
  • No self-service alcohol permitted


  • No signs, fliers, etc. Can be posted on trash barrel, light post, or trees
  • No stickers of any kind permitted
  • All signs, posters and banners must be completely removed from event area
  • All banners and signs must be professionally produced. 
  • ​All Banners and Signs on the property must include the Mayo Island logo.

Prohibited Practices:

  • Supporting of booths, tent, etc. with trees or fencing
  • Digging holes in the Property without Landlord approval.
  • Any fire not contained in approved cooking equipment
  • NO ACTIVITY OUTSIDE THE FENCE LINE, without prior permission from Landlord.
  • Use of glass containers
  • Vehicles on the grass for any reason without prior permission from Landlord
  • No pets on the island
  • No painting or graffiti of any type
  • No weapons or drugs
  • No adding nails or hooks to existing structures
  • James River access or Swimming in James River is Strictly prohibited


  •  All guests of Mayo Island shall conduct themselves in an orderly manner.  Tenant agrees to comply with all applicable statutes, ordinances, and regulations with relation to Mayo Island and the surrounding grounds.

Vendor and Caterer Requirements:

  • List of all vendors and caterers must be received to Landlord 30 days prior to the Event. Landlord has right to disapprove any vendors and caterers without reason.
  • Glass containers are prohibited and beverages must be served in plastic/paper containers or cans
  • All liquid waste (Oils and Water) must be disposed of off site
  • Any Vendor or Caterers leaving grease or any significant trash will be assessed a $250.00 clean up fee plus whatever it costs to clean up the mess.
  • Tenant, caterers or vendors must provide trash cans on site for trash disposal
  • Generator must be silent generators and should be place out of the way and all extension cord must be approved for outdoor use and secured to avoid trip hazards
  • Vendors and Caterers assumed the entire responsibility and liability for losses damages and claims arising out of injury or damages to vendor’s display, equipment, and other property brought upon the Property.
  • Food vendor and caterers must provide Landlord with Certificate of insured in amount of $1,000,000  and list the Landlord as additional insured as specified in paragraph 4 of the lease
  • Vendor and Caterers are responsible for collecting and paying all sales and meals taxes on goods sold
  • Health Permits (applicable to Food Vendors only)  Vendor participation is contingent upon approval of the vendor’s operation by the City of Richmond Health Department
  • Each cooking site must have an UL listed fire extinguisher.  Open fire must be done in accordance with guideline set down with City of Richmond Bureau of Fire
  • Vendors are not permitted to pack up and leave early. They must stay until the event is over.
  • Vendors cannot park on the grass. They may stay on the access path to unload but must bring all vehicles back up once they are done.


Set Up/Clean Up:

  • Tenant must obtain approve Event Check List below prior to beginning any set-up for the Event.
  • Tenant must be on site during the event set up, operating hours and clean up until the site is completely dismantle, equipment removed and all entertainers and vendors have left the Property.
  • Tenants/Vendors must arrange drop off and pick up times for all rentals with property manager at least 5 days before the event. This will ensure the gates being open for them. The dates and times are subject to management approval. No rentals or vendors are permitted to deliver anything before the day of the event, unless prior approval is obtained by landlord
  • At the conclusion of the Event, the Tenant is responsible for returning the Property to pre-event conditions.  Areas that are determined to be in unsatisfactory condition will be noted during post event walk through.  Tenant will be charge for all property and equipment damages and extra cleaning services required.

Waste removal:

  • All litter generated by the event must be removed from site at the event’s conclusion. We encourage you as an Event partner/sponsor to be as green as possible. Please embrace the "reduce, reuse, recycle” mantra and minimize your impact on the environment whenever possible.
  • Landlord will NOT be responsible to provide any containers for trash removal
  • There is no disposal area for grease, cooking oils and wastewater.  Vendors and caters must remove these items from the site when Event ends
  • There is no onsite trash dumpster on our facility and will not be provided